About Don Best Guaranteed Sports Picks

The day after games are played, DonBest.com carefully analyzes all picks entered and determines which ones were winners. This is referred to as "grading picks".

DonBest.com's primary goal when grading picks is to ensure our customers are not unfairly charged for guaranteed picks purchases.

How is this done?

Using Real-Time Odds, DonBest.com determines the odds that most sportsbooks offered during the critical moments when most players would have chosen their teams (e.g. the hours leading up to kickoff for a Sunday NFL game).

Using these numbers, DonBest.com grades its picks. This fair grading process ensures that DonBest.com's guaranteed picks truly are guaranteed.

Non-guaranteed picks go through the same grading process, but this is purely for handicapper record documentation purposes, as non-guaranteed pick purchases are non-refundable.

About Don Best All-Acccess Sports Picks

When you purchase a weekly or monthly Subscription Picks Pass, you receive ALL of your favorite handicapper's sports selections during that period!

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